Days after Russia invaded Ukraine, CWB started receiving emails saying “when are you going” or “can I go clown with you in Ukraine.” In fact, every time a natural disaster or conflict makes international headlines, Clowns Without Borders is asked to Send in The Clowns.
In this presentation, we’ll explore when and why Humanitarian Clowning is effective, and how CWB decides when (and how) to go on tour. Drawing on Clowns Without Borders’ 25 years of experience, we’ll cover best-practices for performing in a humanitarian setting, including ethics, child safety, and if there really is such a thing as the universal language of clowning. Participants will have a chance to investigate their motivation for working in a humanitarian (or healthcare) setting.
Monday, November 6th at 7pm
Mailman Auditorium : Allea Rosenfeld Building, 722 W 168th Street, Uptown Manhattan
Brought to you by Clown Gym, Clowns Without Borders USA and Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.
Register here. Free to attend. All donations will go towards the work of CWB.
A weekly, then monthly, variety show hosted on Zoom during the COVID-19 Pandemic featuring innovative comedy performances, live music, intermission dance parties, community announcements, and a whole lot of heart.
Watch the shows below!